Travel Specialist

Job Address
Application Deadline
Service & Security
Yerevan, Armenia
- Coordinate departure, transportation, accommodations, insurance, and other travel services for clients - Ensure smooth arrival arrangements for foreign partners visiting Armenia, maintaining a high level of hospitality - Facilitate visa procurement by preparing necessary documents and liaising with embassies - Manage the collection and organization of visa and insurance documentation - Address and resolve any travel-related issues that may arise - Book tickets for flights ensuring accuracy and timeliness in reservations
Required Qualifications
- A minimum of 3 years of relevant work experience in the travel industry - Proficiency in computer reservations systems, with knowledge of Amadeus being a significant advantage - Fluency in both English and Russian languages - Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to effectively communicate and negotiate - Capacity to work well under pressure and adhere to tight deadlines
Application Procedures
Apply here Please mention in your application that you have learned about this position from