Junior Market Researcher

Job Address
Application Deadline
Business Administration
Yerevan, Armenia
- Conducting daily research and analytics, defining indicators and scoring mechanisms of country mapping/profiling and targeted countries - Building Company's International network map, identifying industry influencers, representatives, decision makers, publishers, helping in designing the outreach strategy, scripts and processes, maintaining communications and building relationships - Helping in organizing the preparatory works in participation/visits to industry events, doing administrative works - Content creation for social networks (website, LinkedIn), in articles and other promotional material scripts and content creation for publishing, maintaining those platforms - Creating weekly briefs industry related as well as overall security and geopolitical events/updates regarding the regions and countries of interest, regularly updating targeted countries' list based on the received notifications of events and geopolitical changes
Required Qualifications
- Experience in website management, social media maintenance, design (including Photoshop, Illustrator, CorelDRAW) - Fluent in Armenian, English. Knowledge of other languages such as Arabic or French are considered as a plus
Application Procedures
All interested candidates are required to send their CVs to career@aerodynamics.am and indicate the position title you apply for in the subject line of the email or apply by using this link https://bit.ly/4dH3lxx . Please mention in your application that you have learned about this position from MyJob.am