Card fraud monitoring manager

Job Address
Application Deadline
Banking, Finance and Accounting
Yerevan, Armenia
- Daily monitoring of cases registered in the Fraud system, daily monitoring and study of transactions based on files exported from AS/SmartVista systems in order to prevent fraud with payment cards issued by the bank - Daily monitoring of cases registered in the Fraud system in order to prevent fraud via POS-terminals served by the bank - Identification of risky transactions and fraud of bank’s customers - Identification of risky transactions and fraud based on the research and analysis of information received from payment systems - Offline transaction review and monitoring - Investigation of compromised cards - ADC (Account Data Compromise) Report - Compliance analysis and subsequent monitoring of the installation of POS terminals and virtual POS terminals by the bank - Submission of conclusion on KEY-ENTER and Refund transactions - Conducting research on card accounts with negative balances - Conducting research and monitoring of NOCH (Not Our Cardholder) transactions
Required Qualifications
- Higher economic, financial, technical education - At least three years of banking experience, including experience in card fraud - Knowledge of payment card operations, fraud prevention and monitoring - Knowledge of banking legislation - Knowledge of PCI DSS standard - Knowledge of AS operating system - Knowledge of SmartVista - Excellent command of the Armenian language - Knowledge of Russian and English language
Application Procedures
Apply here Please mention in your application that you have learned about this position from