.NET Developer with AWS

DataArt Armenia
Job Address
Application Deadline
Yerevan, Armenia
- Develop and maintain applications using .NET technologies - Build and improve front-end features for responsive and user-friendly interfaces - Design and optimize MS SQL databases for speed and security - Create and manage RESTful Web APIs for connecting with other systems - Use tools like Entity Framework and Dapper to handle data efficiently - Manage dependencies and improve modularity with IoC containers like Autofac or Ninject - Work with document-oriented databases like MongoDB or DocumentDB - Set up caching and storage systems with Redis or DynamoDB for better performance - Build distributed applications using messaging tools like RabbitMQ, MSMQ, or SQS, and intercommunication technologies like Web API or WCF
Required Qualifications
- Proficiency in NET technologies, including NET Framework, ASP NET, TPL (Task Parallel Library), and Asynchronous programming - Strong command of C# - Expertise in: Databases: MongoDB, Caching: Redis, Messaging Queues: RabbitMQ, Proficiency with Git for version control
Application Procedures
Apply here https://www.dataart.team/vacancies/NET00213 Please mention in your application that you have learned about this position from MyJob.am
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